Many common health problems suffered by Schnauzers can be traced back to digestive and metabolic disorders. Your dog or cat may appear outwardly healthy, but it may be absorbing too few nutrients from its food on a daily basis, even if you give it a complete feed!
The food your dog eats may not be as complete as you think. There are several reasons for this. Commercial feeds have been designed for average animals. However, your dog may be highly active – in the hunt, for example – or may have a litter of puppies. These situations call for different nutritional requirements.
On the food pack there is a list of ingredients and an analysis. However, this says nothing about the quality of the various ingredients. Furthermore the food has to be processed in order to make it last longer. As a result of this process (e.g. heating or freezing) and the storage of the food, the nutrients may become less digestible or may even be lost.
As is probably stated on the pack, soy and cereal products are common in animal feed. Raw soy, for example, contains phytate (which can bind with minerals) and various metabolic inhibitors that can affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Mr Kroeske Sr. discovered that the use of natural herbs has numerous advantages.
Natural herbs:
- contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements that can be absorbed quickly;
- act as a catalyst for the absorption of nutrients from feed;
stimulate various organs and tissues, making them function more efficiently.
Some ailments such as hip dysplasia (HD) are known to be hereditary, but it is also known that environment and nutrition play an important role in the development of the condition. Based on knowledge of the effects of herbs and awareness that nutrition can be an extremely important factor in the emergence of health problems, a practical study was initiated, and this led to the development of the product Hokamix30 seven years later.
Each herb has its own function
As is indicated in the name Hokamix30, this is a mixture of thirty different herbs, each with its own function(s) in the body. To give some examples, Solidago Virgaurea (European goldenrod) stimulates the kidneys and is effective in the case of urinary tract infections; Pimpinella Anisum (aniseed) aids digestion and combats intestinal cramps and flatulence, having a positive effect on the liver and gall; Urtica Dioica (stinging nettle) has a favourable effect on worn cartilage and helps to suppress allergies such as eczema; Lappa Major (great burdock) aids the release of waste products from the liver and kidneys, stimulates the release of digestive juices, and has an anti-histamine effect that is important for allergic skin complaints. These are just some of the herbs.